Susan Luss – 2023

Primary Medium



488 Morgan Ave, 5th floor
entrance on Division Place
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Susan Luss’s creative practice spans drawing, painting, performance, sculpture, assemblage, and installation. Luss’s works on paper are created with found objects and materials immersed in dye baths to create imprints and traces of themselves–a build-up of forms, gestures and residues that culminate in a kind of layered geological record, an artifact of time. Her bundles, initially raw and unformed canvas, are taken outside interacting with light, wind, rain, among other elements, later she ritually folds and ties them up before immersing in dye, subsequently using the bundle to make imprints on paper and canvas. Ultimately these works are arranged in conversation with the mark-making objects that were used in their creation. Luss constantly returns to these dialogues between drawings and assemblages, reusing elements in new ways and repositioning them in a cyclical rhythm that speaks to themes of dynamic self-sustaining systems and ecological models of life and consciousness.


Instagram: @susanluss