Rachel Yanku – 2024

Primary Medium



649 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

My work is constructed from wood and paint, and mimics the form and function of architectural models. I reference from an array of direct and indirect architectural surfaces, such as facades, window displays, sidewalks, shadows, and repurposed under a different design philosophy. I consider the concepts of adaptiveness and destructiveness within natural existence. While balancing the history and rules of sculptural spaces integrity, I consider how to give autonomy to an individual structure and wonder what would it do if it were living. I give it its own reactive purpose from a series of inputs and outputs. I am fascinated by high-contrasts like birds in cities, as a vibrant reminder of how nature allows extremes to live next to each other and survive despite harsh environments. I wonder what will happen if seals could become architects and build cities under the water, and how their ecstatic and clever movements would influence their designs.


Website: https://rachelyanku.net
Instagram: @rachelyanku