Pol Morton – 2023

Primary Medium



67 West Street
Studio #341
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Pol Morton is a chronically ill non-binary artist with an unreliable body making assemblage paintings about queerness, transness, and disability. Morton’s diaristic paintings attempt to locate the self when it is trapped, whether in a bed, in the home, or even within the body itself. Their work takes on intimate, quotidian moments—lying in bed, taking a bath, staring out the window—and renders them larger than life. On the surface, fragmented limbs steep in surreal domestic environments of ominous orange-sherbet skies, purple and green spotted bathwater, and macramé cord swirls of vertigo. Using oil paint; sculptural objects like silicone casts of the artist’s hand and 19-inch hand-built ceramic replicas of their own bunioned feet; and collaged personal and domestic low-relief debris, such as used q-tips, curtains, and bundles of human and cat hair, Morton builds a visceral reality that is playful, humorous, and idiosyncratic.


Website: http://polmorton.com
Instagram: @polmorton