Primary Medium
1205 Manhattan Ave.156
Brooklyn, 11222
Artist Statement
The focus of my work is human beings and fellow creatures. I study human and animal anatomy by the emphasis of my work is not realism. My sculptures are initiated by a feeling of a shape or an emotional reaction. I work from life or distilled from memory–often from a drawing first. Sometimes I ask a person to sit for me for a portrait; sometimes I am commissioned for one. There is a psychological component to my work. I'm a modeler and work plaster, wax, or clay and cast in bronze. This warm metal can capture the plasticity and emotion of my figurative forms. Some of my pieces are constructed to allow the viewer to re-position them, changing the feeling of the piece. A bronze casting of my life size plaster and burlap sculpture of a gorilla (aka "Peace Gorilla") will be installed in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza across from the UN in late 2019 or early 2020. The piece will be accessible to the visually impaired community and will welcome touch.