Meirav Zaks Zilberman – 2023

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Ave, Bldg 1,3rd floor, Studio1309, Brooklyn
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

In my depictions of the human form, I transcend the boundaries of figurative painting and modern abstraction. Oil paint, applied in heavy or light layers, becomes as visceral as flesh itself and transparent as skin. Drawing on my background as a modern dancer and a biochemist, I question current representations of self, bodies, and contextualization of beauty. Focusing on enlarged self-portraits, chopped bodies, and abstractions of isolated body parts, I capture human expressions and bodily gestures. I use the prolific historical theme of the female nude and turn it upside down portraying large figures that escape the picture frame. The image surfaces vary from thick paint to washy passages or even bare canvas. My goal is to create a conversation with the viewer, empower women, and explore the afterlife of images.


Instagram: @meiravzaks