Mary Younkin – 2024

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Avenue
Mishka Studios, Building 8, 3rd Floor, Studio O
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

My paintings look intimately at the artifacts of everyday life. While my work is grounded in the tradition of still life painting, the vibrancy of color imbues the compositions with a heightened sense of reality or a dreamlike quality. I am interested in leveraging color as a female narrative, employing a painterly pop-art approach. Rooted in observations of my life, my work incorporates objects that provide humor as well as an escape for those who notice the nuances. In my most recent series of work, I explore my experience as an artist-mother and these objects represent my duality as an adult and caregiver. By composing the paintings from my own vantage point, the viewer is invited into my world by looking between my knees or beyond a hand holding a glass, to the scene unfolding; toys strewn on the ground, a bewildered Mr Potato Head staring dead-pan, or a small child on the toilet. Through content and color I present a slice of real life in its disarray and satire.


Instagram: @younkinstudio