LPX ie. Lizzy Plapinger – 2023

Primary Medium



Bechdel Project
252 Green St, Apt 3
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

LPX is the moniker of Lizzy Plapinger, a multi media artist originally from London, England, currently living and working out of Brooklyn, New York. Whether in music, performance, visual art or design, her signature “pantone punk” style, an aesthetic ideology rooted in joy rebellion, is consistent across all. Her visual work explores the spiritual through high octane abstract maximalism, using the sublime frequencies of color and shape to explore their power as a language beyond language and the fizzy line between where material and immaterial meet. With each piece she curiously combines sonic, textile, mechanical and biomorphic signatures in an attempt to capture the often felt but not seen ticks, booms and pulse of an intangible armature that’s always buzzing beneath the surface of the tangible world and self.


Instagram: @LPX