Lauren Murao Walkiewicz – 2023

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Ave
Building 1 Suite 1300B
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

My body of work fantasizes about a future evolution of humanity that is in harmony with nature. Today, as we enter the apocalyptic phase of climate change, we as a species are facing our own destruction. Our environmental consumption has left us with a debt to the gods that will be paid in blood, floods, and fire. After the reckoning, what will a balanced relationship with nature look like? What will humanity have to give up? How would it feel for humans to experience and interact with the world, but be unable to alter it? My installations, using acrylic paint on intricately cut pvc panels, imagine what this world would look like: a place where humans are stripped of thumbs and guns, live in harmony with their discarded inventions, and co-exist with a new vanguard of dominant plants and animals. This is a world where brightly colored carnivorous plants consume distracted lovers, hairless rodents turn discarded wrappers into homes, and predatory chickens hunt a new species of blue-skinned, orange-hoofed humanoids. This utopia is not the human centric Garden of Eden, but a place where pleasures are balanced equally with the pain of survival.


Instagram: @Lauren Walkiewicz