Laura Splan – 2023

Primary Medium



198 Greenpoint Ave. #1
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Using both traditional and experimental media, I reconsider representations of “bodies” to interrogate cultural constructions of “self “and “other” by creating liminal perceptions of each. I create conceptually layered artworks that explore the sublime complexity of the biological world while unraveling entanglements of natural and built systems. I reframe artifacts of the biomedical landscape with embodied interactions and sensory encounters that leverage tactility, light, and sound. Uncanny combinations of materials and processes invite investigation of detail, calling into question how things are made and what they are made of while eliciting subjective interpretation and speculation. Past projects have reimagined uses for molecular visualization software, the fiber of laboratory animals, genetic sequences of viruses, human blood, medical devices, and scientific instrumentation. Recent exhibitions have included immersive installations with animations and soundscapes, textiles sculptures, and intimately scaled objects created with poetically considered materials. BIO Laura Splan is a transdisciplinary artist working at the intersections of Science, Technology, and Culture. She has lived and worked in Greenpoint, Brooklyn since 2005 with her partner artist Reuben Lorch-Miller. She runs an experimental curatorial project out of her studio called Plexus Projects that presents both online and in-person programming.


Instagram: @laurasplan