Garry Nichols – 2024

Primary Medium



99 Commercial Street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Building entrance door #95, Courtyard Studio
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Statement- The paintings form a narrative within a unique painted environment. The imagery of the Ross Bridge, Tasmania is both vegetal and mythical and is all over my work. It repeats and transforms in scale and in context as I paint it into my narrative. The paintings are structured with pathways, like children’s mazes. These paths lead the viewer into the painting to be lost amongst remembered landscape, populated with plant forms, ships, symbols and the ancient heads and shapes of the Ross Bridge. Following the pathways creates a displacement in time and place. Since I left my home country, and came to New York, I found it necessary to develop an understanding of art as modern space, that it is not about what you can see, but is metaphoric. That metaphor became more realized as I understood there were deeper dimensions, ways to convey the everyday, the commonplace differently first through my drawings, then into oil paintings and unique large weathervanes.


Instagram: @_garrynichols_