Deborah Spiroff – 2023

Primary Medium



593 Morgan Avenue
Garden Level
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Artist Statement -The Mystical Within Abstraction *(please note the full artist statement can be found on my website: ) I work with the mystical within the language of abstraction, through painting. Surface, space and a feeling of an otherworldly environment creates a place that the viewer enters and experiences elements of beauty, conflict, power and violence. I use the language of abstraction to reference a narrative that lives both within myself and another spiritual realm. These paintings are the visual representation of when the outside world collides and does battle with the spiritual realm. I am currently working on the concept of the mystical within abstraction. My own small rituals of my studio practice have evolved over the years. Things as simple as unlocking my studio door to changing into my painting clothes has become part of my studio practice. The very specific light that comes into the studio in the morning through an old stained glass window that I have installed into my space prepares me to paint. For me it is a connection to light, space, spirit and a very strong sense of belonging to this world of painting and creating. It’s often a conversation between myself and the work, however it is not words that are used as there simply are no words for what I am trying to say with my work. I am saying it through very formal elements of color, composition, line, and form. The mystical/spiritual part is what the paintings keep insisting on. I have learned to listen to them and see where they lead me. I am often surprised, sometimes shocked and overwhelmed, but very often it’s the simple beauty of color, light, line, and space that captivate my attention. These paintings/work represent the visual manifestation of these struggles during the years after 9/11, my own sexual assault, and now a worldwide pandemic. Once again having to turn to painting as a place that can most accurately convey how I process the world around me. Breathe, focus, meditate and enter into the internal world of my paintings. Copyright of Deborah Spiroff. All Rights Reserved. Please contact artist for pricing – email: [email protected] 2023


Instagram: @spiroffstudios