David Sena 2019

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Ave, Studio #8102
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

ARTIST STATEMENT: I began working with fire, fireworks and explosives twenty years ago, and over time I’ve developed a vocabulary of singular techniques for re-based mark making. Fire is among humankind’s first technologies and a component of our earliest understanding of ourselves; harnessing it as a tool speaks to an ancient relationship, grounding my exploration of the connection between terrestrial and celestial fires. The process is by nature destructive; the works are a record of and a meditation on the creative/destructive gesture. In my layered drawings, the surface marks become three-dimensional, and the resultant voids are revelatory: they allow glimpses of substance without matter, and the distances between the layers mimic the dance of gravitational motion. The finished work can be read as a map of the outer limits, the infinite, the space not yet grasped, or the cosmos reflected in the mind’s interior expanse.


Instagram: @senaspace