Catalina Kulczar 2019

Primary Medium



61 Greenpoint Avenue
Suite 114
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Portrait artist and filmmaker Catalina Kulczar is a natural storyteller who connects easily and authentically with her subjects and what drives them. Her work tends to be project based, or to involve groups of portraits that convey a bigger theme, frequently exploring topics rooted in women’s roles in contemporary work and society. She is interested in creating informed narratives about individual women who have courageously overcome resistance and obstacles in their paths, no matter what the sector. Inquisitive and well-informed, and an avid podcast and NPR junkie, Catalina’s ideas are rooted in both the world as it is as well as the inspirational world she envisions for young women. Catalina was born in Caracas, Venezuela to Hungarian parents. She comes from a long line of immigrants and strong-willed women who have survived wars, the Nazis, and tremendous upheaval in search of a better life “elsewhere,” always with their optimism and sense of humour intact. Catalina and her husband, the artist and musician Juan Miguel Marin, live in New York with their daughter, Pia, in a trilingual household where the melodic intermingling of English, Spanish, and Hungarian reflects their ongoing involvement in the global music world. Clients include David Byrne, St. Vincent, Milton Glaser, MailChimp, Casper Mattress, Warby Parker, Brooklyn Academy of Music, RG/A, James Victore, among many others.


Instagram: @catalinaphotog