Carla Reyes – 2024

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

I am a NYC based, Colombian and Italian-American, painter and mixed-media artist whose work incorporates textured surfaces and an exploration of the interaction between the man-made and natural worlds. I create semi-abstract scenes from my urban environment and excursions in nature, and explore themes of motherhood and women’s issues. I am interested in focusing on specific moments in time through art-making, or meditations on seemingly mundane, everyday things that have an often unrecognized beauty and profundity. Art-making has always been a therapeutic, meditative experience for me, with a heavy emphasis on the tactile, visceral, material aspects and elements of creating. I continue to explore new art forms like ceramics and the book arts, among others. I create groupings of works in organic evolving series. Though dierent, they all share an interest in surface texture, explore a variety of traditional and unconventional materials, and respond to nature, my daily experiences and my imagination. Artistic inspiration can range from indigenous art forms, to historical movements to contemporary art; depending on the works. Research can play a part where deeper understanding is needed, as well as the collection of reference materials. Other works are more spontaneous and intuitive, driven by the hands-on process, over the conceptual.


Instagram: @carlacrafts