Ashlee Slack – 2023

Primary Medium



252 Java St
Studio 225A
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

My work is propelled by the investigation of everyday occurrences— what is typically given little to no attention, what goes unacknowledged— and how the overlooked contains power. My work pulls from a similar aesthetic vocabulary of Conceptual Art and Minimalism in order to address themes of power, whiteness, and façade. I utilize common household products such as latex house paint, spackling, and bleach and apply them directly to an existing wall or to my own constructed wall. The inherent banality of these materials is compelling to me because of the implicit power they contain. Because of my interest in the issue of the unseen, the work maintains a transitory nature: the wall is altered until the pieces are completely removed, leaving a vacancy. I want the viewer to walk away with a heightened sense of awareness: I want them to consider what they may not be initially seeing, or ever see. The subtle changes in the surface of the wall implicate the materials used as well as the conventional white wall. My hope is that this brings into question the facade itself and creates a connection, both visual and political, between the pervasive power of whiteness.


Instagram: @Ashlee Slack