Ann Cofta – 2023

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Avenue (Leviton Building)
Building 1, Studio 1315C (Third Floor)
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

I am a textile artist whose work combines sewing and printmaking techniques within fabric constructions that explore relationships between objects, time and memory. Cityscapes and urban structures, including buildings and water towers, are often used as subjects. Other series depict vintage items, including typewriters, rotary phones and matchbooks. I enjoy playing with scale, so pieces are often created in miniature or significantly larger than actual size. My studio will be open for GOS with many works on display in a shared studio space. However I will not be present, as I will be attending a residency on Governors Island on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for the month of June. Visitors are welcome there as well, please check IG or my website for details.


Instagram: @anncofta