Amanda Browder – 2024

Primary Medium



276 Greenpoint Avenue
Mishka Studios, Building 8, 3rd Floor, Studio B
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

Fabric unites stories, amplifies voices and creates moments of meaning. This work supports non-hierarchical formulations of craft vs. art, and fosters community participation through sewing and dialogue and community participation as a way to connect with others in a time of complex change in our society. Socially based constructs in the public realm inform my work in tandem with my delightful bag-of-tricks: mathematics, color, symmetry, scale and people who are always my truth. The dialog between craft and art is in the work, complementing criticality, and conversation in a site-specific response. My approach signifies that “The artist” is not one, but rather an evolving network of participants and spectators and collaborators. Sculptural gesture and painterly pause are challenged by the fluidity of textiles paralleling craft history in which most artists remain anonymous, the work transcends individual identity to become an expression of a focused social collective.


Instagram: @browdertown