Primary Medium
239 Java stBrooklyn, 11222
Artist Statement
The visual elements in my work beckon us to consider the floating nature of our assemblage of sensory experiences and memories. I am often pushing the background forward and pulling the foreground back, creating a spatial interplay between the subject and its environment. Negative space becomes positive space, and subject matter in the foreground is made up of the materials of the background. I aim to create a visual language that explores what I know about the world and what I may never know. We exist in the world with learned expectations of our sensory experiences. I can recall how a flower petal feels to the touch. What would it be like if an object took on the materiality of another? A flower petal manifests into a cloud. Snippets of memories and juxtaposed moments, fading in and out of each other, are collaged together into dream-like compositions.
Website: @Sari_friedman