Ivy Hickam – 2023

Primary Medium



253 Greenpoint Ave
studio 6
Brooklyn, 11222

Artist Statement

My landscapes explore my relationship to place and time. So, if I return to a place and it has drastically changed, I feel alarmed, violated. With climate change and the current state of the world my feelings about my work have shifted towards an anxious necessity to paint, to grasp the beauty in a fleeting season, day, moment, life. The last few years I decided to escape to the woods in my studio. I’ve gone bigger in scale and obsessively look at the minute details of nature while embracing its chaos. Also, separately I am an illustrator. Fox & Rabbit are my favorite duo to paint and draw. They are unexpectedly the best of friends. My animals are human in nature but hopefully kinder in spirit.


Website: http://ivyhickam.com,mystarlingstudio.com
Instagram: @ivyhickam