Matthew Brennan 2019

Primary Medium



473 Porter Ave
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn, 11211

Artist Statement

My primary interest is simultaneously depicting both the physical and metaphorical aspects of the human figure within the same image. The human, throughout history, is a hybrid of their physical body, their emotional energies, their clothes, shelter, tools and the environment that surrounds them. All these layers intertwine to complete the full entity. The challenge is to visually weave small fragments of all these elements to create a composite figure of total form on one sheet of paper. Visually taking cues from multiple exposure photography and exploded diagrams, I draw the physical body existing during a few seconds of motion combined with personified passages of internal emotion. Continuous study of figure drawing and fabrication techniques led me to this current body of work. It began as a combination of human anatomy and machinery parts within figures to represent self imposed structure. As it progressed, organic forms were incorporated to represent the more ambiguous ideas floating around within. Over time, the mechanical components have become much more specific to the subject matter of the specific pieces. As my construction and sculpture techniques improve, I am understanding physical space on a more three dimensional level and in turn it is helping me create better space and volume within the pieces. I create this work because of my fascination with the behavior, style, personality and inspiration within people. I am in constant awe of what we are capable of, what we focus on, and what haunts us. It is amazing that with all our progress and technological advancements, we, as a species, deeply question our existence and struggle with deep rooted dissatisfaction. This is what drives me to make work based on the human condition. I am interested in what defines being human in the current state of 2019. Since cave paintings, drawing has been an important marker for the document of people within their specific cultures. I am attracted to the idea of distilling these ideas to simple marks from a single point on paper. It feels direct and honest and helps me strive for clarity in my interpretations.


Instagram: @shutterslime